It’s no secret that quarantine has put a damper on the world’s creativity. Personally, being limited to my home desk all day has proven to be trying. I’m often left uninspired and undermotivated to do even the smallest tasks. As a full-time graphic designer, this doesn’t cut it. I have found that my head needs […]
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We’ve all been there. Staring at blank sketch pads or empty Word Docs, trying to fight through the inability to deliver something unique and inspiring; only to come up short, questioning our own abilities and purpose in life. Of course, I’m talking about creative block. Something that every creative goes through. And I mean EVERY […]
Have you ever been in a conversation with a group of friends and someone says “that sounds like something Rachel would say”? Or maybe you’re driving in your car and hear a song come on and say to yourself “this sounds an awful lot like Taylor Swift”? Well, effective branding and advertising work the same […]
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From Internship to Full Time Position Graphic Designer, Jessica Joseph, Recaps Her Experience At Apple Box Studios Looking at the calendar, it’s been four months since my college graduation and almost a year into my career. It feels like yesterday I was walking down Penn Avenue with some friends, and I look up […]
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With the seasons changing, it’s time to introduce Apple Box’s 2016 fall interns! We are so happy have these bright young professionals on our team. Fall Interns 2016 Marielle Cafaro A senior at Duquesne University, Marielle is an Integrated Marketing Communications major also receiving a Business Certificate. While in school, she participates in Advertising Club, […]
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We often think about creativity as making something. We think Mozart, Picasso, Einstein. But in fact, the root of the word means ‘to grow’. Human beings are essentially born creative. From infancy on we find innovative ways to negotiate life. The truth is that all sorts of people, possessing various levels of intelligence and […]
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Gunnar Hansen March 4th, 1947 – November 7th, 2015 As Apple Box Studios’ horror flick aficionado, I regret to inform all of you that I have some very sad news. This past weekend, the horror community lost one of its most iconic villains. Gunnar Hansen, who played the original leatherface in the 1974 production of […]
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Each year, hundreds of Pittsburghers join forces and lace up for a celebration of movement. This year, on September 26, walkers will reunite for Parkinson Foundation Western Pennsylvania’s annual fundraiser, Step Forward. This vibrant event is fun filled and suitable for all ages. This year’s walk will take place at the beautiful Highland Park Reservoir. Leashed […]
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The biggest mistake you can make with a client during the early stages of creative collaboration is taking a project too far too quickly. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean things need to move slowly. This just means you go through the creative process in very small steps. For a video, you don’t cut the […]
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Beginning Strategy & CreativeDevelopment At Apple Box Studios, we provide a range of strategic services tailored to each campaign’s goals. We even define the goals. For CONSOL Energy’s Not So FastTM awareness campaign, we developed a comprehensive marketing plan, budget, media and PR strategy, and creative execution to support the campaign’s mission of educating the