Apple Box

Barney Visits Pittsburgh: The Sequel

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The Pittsburgh region has a proud sense of identity. Our work ethic, our shared history, our diverse ethnicities, lifestyles and businesses are reflected in the buzzing, daily activity and neighborhoods that make up one of the most livable regions in the country. For these reasons and more, Apple Box Studios is excited and grateful for an ongoing partnership withVisitPittsburgh and the opportunity to show off Pittsburgh to the world.

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As Pittsburgh continues to shine as a must-see place to visit, the Apple Box creative team recently went to the drawing board (literally) and brought Barney back to the Burgh for a sequel to the Barney Visits Pittsburgh campaign. You may remember Barney when he brought his convention to Pittsburgh back in 2013.

Fast forward to 2015 – Barney is back and this time he brought the whole family.

Why illustration? The visual revolution is here, and simple (but smart) illustrations can be marketing dynamite on cutting through the clutter. Don’t get us wrong, we use photography on a weekly basis, but it’s important to remember – video is not glanceable. Depending on the content and goals of your video, using illustrations can be a great tool for helping audiences focus on what you want them to focus on – without cluttered backgrounds. This can even lead audiences to better understand and remember abstract concepts. When people understand they are more engaged and likely to take action. Also, illustrations give you an unlimited ability to give your content personality. Illustration in the first Barney video allowed us to convey Barney’s quirkiness, making him relatable and fun to follow. The next time through, with Barney’s family, we had even more fun giving subtle personalities to each of his family members.

We are looking forward to seeing what’s next for Barney. We’re also excited to continue embracing illustration as a format for bringing our stories to life.