Apple Box

There’s No I In Team

Posted in Interns/Employees

Are you having flashbacks to your middle school gymnasium after reading that?

Middle School Laura could care less about what her basketball coach was trying to say during his halftime pep talk. “There’s No I In Team”. All she cared about was if the kids in the stand would think she was disgusting because she was sweating. Middle school girls don’t sweat- get it?

High School Laura grasped a better understanding of a team dynamic while playing Varsity sports. Maybe?

College Laura experienced other types of teams. She had some group projects, but let’s be honest, how much ‘team-ing’ is actually happening in a group project? We all know there’s the one person who is a major social loafer. College Laura got hired at Apple Box Studios 1 month after graduating college.

New Hire Laura had a lot of adjusting to do. She had to learn how to work with 7 new people. She had to learn how those team members already worked together and how she could fit in.

Meet Present-Day Laura (this is she). I have been working at Apple Box Studios for 2 years and 9 months. In those 2.9 years, a lot of things have changed. Our team dynamic has changed, our team roles have changed, our team goals have changed and our team size has changed. I have learned MANY things from being an ABS team member, but one of my favorite realizations is that There Is No I In Team. I might be having a bad day, but that doesn’t mean the team is having a bad day. Advertising is a collaborative business which requires us to work together. We are constantly working together to brainstorm new ideas, providing feedback on designs, discussing ways to improve a project, revising videos and more. And each team member brings something different to the table. For me, I’d like to think I bring some pizazz, some project direction and a well-timed joke here or there. The outcome when we work together would not be the same if we were working alone.

What I am trying to explain in my post is that I am grateful There Is No I In Team. I am grateful for my team always having my back and I hope they know I have theirs. And I love when we all get together and swap ideas.

Just type “Importance of Teamwork” into Google and see what appears. I guess my middle school basketball coach was onto something- teamwork is pretty legit.

P.S.- Middle School Laura would never have been this emotional on a public forum!

Our one-of-a-kind teamwork at Apple Box Studios is what really separates us from the competition. That’s why DesignRush has listed us as one of Pittsburgh’s top video production companies!