No Business Development department or initiative would be complete without RFPs. Even though they can be a little frustrating at times, RFPs are definitely worth your efforts and attention. They can help you land a whale of a client and are a great way to get your name out locally and, potentially, nationally. No matter what RFPs throw at you, when you receive that letter or call declaring that the account is yours, it’s all worth it! But until then, keep these things in mind when responding to requests for proposals.

Working on RFPs Can Require A Group Effort

1.)   Ask Questions

  • If you’ve been working on RFPs for awhile, you’ll agree with this extremely obvious fact: no one edits these documents at all. If someone did, there would be so much less hair pulled out around the office. Therefore, if something is confusing you to the point of baldness, RFPS generously allow bidders to send in questions. It’s just like you’re back in school: if you have a question just raise your hand.

2.)   Read, re-read and re-read again … and one more time just to be sure

  • As stated previously, it is obvious that a third party never reads the actual RFP document before it goes out (making the whole process such a headache). So read the whole thing like 10 times until it makes sense to you. Do what you need to do: highlight, underline or draw boxes around things etc. Just make sure when you begin compiling and writing, everything makes sense to you, and, what doesn’t, you can save for questions.

3.)   Demonstrate Your Unique Personality

  • It’s easy to get bogged down when you’re reading an RFP and you just see paragraphs and paragraphs of bizarrely worded text. But don’t forget, you are trying to get noticed among a sea of other applicants vying for the same opportunity. Don’t hesitate to be fun and add some color and possibly images. Think outside the box. There are many different ways to represent text: a chart, a graph, a diagram … the possibilities are endless!

4.)   Be Selective

  • Being open-minded about RFPs is just good business sense because they have the potential to bring in more money … and we like money. But if you truly want to call yourself an integrated marketing company you have to make sure the RFP you’re responding to meshes with your company. Research the company or institution that is putting out the RFP and make sure your values and mission statement match up with theirs. If there is some discrepancy, it might be a difficult partnership down the road. You want everything to be seamless and double check that whatever you’re working on expresses one cohesive message for your client and also for yourself.

5.)   Deadlines are gospel … don’t mess around

  • When an RFP states a due date, pay attention. If you’re a person or a company that is good at procrastinating … good luck. Again, just get things in on time. It’s courteous to those on the RFP committee, even though they drove you crazy with inane writing. And yes, current clients and projects need to take precedence over prospective clients, but if that happens too often you’ll find yourself missing out on some incredible opportunities.

Have any other tips? Share on our Facebook page!